Desire for sport and exercise

Now it can start again: Jogging, cycling, swimming, long walks – with the ever milder temperatures and plenty of light, it is fun and enjoyable to move about outside. But: After the long autumn and winter we are a little rusty. So we have to take it slowly. Even those who don’t like sports get into action in spring. The important thing is: sports should be fun.
With the first warmer rays of sunshine we can do something for our fitness. It’s not just a matter of reaching the longed-for beach figure or getting rid of excess pounds by summer.
It is about health. The metabolism has to get going again, because a lack of fitness affects the resilience of the circulation. Movement in the great outdoors also reduces stress.
With sport into spring
At the beginning of the sporting activity, however, one should check one’s performance. That means: start at rest, increase slowly and keep an eye on your blood pressure from the beginning. Overconfidence would not be advisable. Use the momentum of spring in the fresh spring air and start off gently!
Sport with two walking sticks
You should start with a walk or Nordic Walking, because Nordic Walking has a positive effect on the circulation and the heart – like any other endurance running – and muscle building is not neglected.
This way you can start your spring workout more gently and this sport is also a good start for older people, because not only legs and bottom but also chest, arm and shoulder muscles are trained.
Running without puffing
The classic outdoor sport is probably jogging. Whether young or older does not play a role in this sport – as long as you bring along a certain basic fitness. Jogging strengthens the cardiovascular system, the immune system and the muscles.
Running trains the calf muscles, thigh and buttock muscles, abdominal and back muscles, as well as arms and shoulders. But be careful, after the long winter break you should take it slowly.
But be careful: too much, too often or too fast can lead to injuries. A study by the Cologne Sports University has shown that 80 percent of German runners run too fast. In order to get the muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones used to the running load, it makes sense to do fascial training before you start running and afterwards for regeneration. Two to three fascial units per week, from 10 to max. 20 minutes with a fascial roll should be sufficient.
In order not to put too much strain on the joints, it is important to warm up properly before jogging, preferably with a few stretching exercises. Footwear with good insulation should be carefully selected. It is worthwhile to get proper advice when buying shoes in a sports shop. If you are overweight, ill or older than 35 years of age and only rarely do sport, you should have a doctor check you out before your first run, advises Prof. Dr. Thomas Wessinghage, a former world-class runner.
Jogging has mutated into a popular sport in recent years: Ten million people in Germany run themselves healthy. The running campus answers the question of how often one should run as follows: “Run seven times for your soul and three or four times for a longer life. Once is no time at all, twice is for keeping fit (even if you don’t have any), from three times running per week you can develop your form. For most amateur athletes, three to four running sessions per week are “optimal”.
Walking and hiking in the spring air
If you want to recharge your batteries for spring and do something good not only for your mind but also for your body without overexerting yourself, you should take long walks. A stay in the forest alone has a positive and at the same time calming effect on body and soul.
This year, the 4-star superior hotel Bodenmaiser Hof offers a wide range of possibilities for this. Young at heart can enjoy the Bavarian National Park region on the gentle tour in the Bavarian Forest National Park on easy hiking tours.
Here we have a very special tip on how to get off to a great start in spring. With the “Lebensspur Lech”, a cross-border, health tourism experience space is currently being created between the Austrian Tyrol and the Bavarian Allgäu. The EU project connects the four partners Lechweg, Füssen im Allgäu, Lechtaler Auszeitdörfer and Holzgau/Tyrol. The “Life Trail Lech” runs along the Lechweg long-distance hiking route, which accompanies the wild river from its source in Lech am Arlberg to the Füssen Lechfall for around 125 kilometres. The basis for all activities is Kneipp’s theory of health with its five pillars of water, exercise, nutrition, herbs and the focus on inner order.
However, it is best to start with sports that can be practiced right on your doorstep, as little preparation is required. You can also arrange to meet friends and do sports together, because it is even more fun in a group. The shortest way to get exercise in spring is probably in your own garden or the nearest park, if available.
Sports and exercise in the garden
Especially in spring, the garden offers plenty of opportunities for regular exercise, and gardening not only keeps you fit, it even makes you happy. But you can also find a nice walk in front of your door, and if you live near the forest, you will find it even better. At least 30 minutes a day you should exercise and enjoy the blossoming nature.
A garden trampoline is also suitable for sporting fun in the garden, as trampolining is not only fun for children but also increases their fitness. And the best thing about trampolining is that it is easy on the joints and even puts more strain on the muscles than jogging.
Off into the water
For those who live by a lake, the sea or a river, we recommend the trend sport Stand up Paddling, abbreviated SUP. Stand up paddling is an effective whole body and endurance training that can be done at any age. You only need water. And don’t forget swimming – it doesn’t work without it. Just like running, swimming also requires a lot of muscles. No other sport is as easy on the joints as swimming. Older people and overweight people in particular benefit most from this.
With the bike into the spring
Finally we come to the most popular outdoor sport, cycling. Statista has calculated that in 2018 the number of bicycles in Germany was higher than ever before, at around 75.5 million. It can therefore be assumed that almost every German citizen has one. Most distances can be covered wonderfully by bicycle and many people make use of it.
Spring is a good time to get the bikes out of the cellar, inflate the tyres and off you go. So get on the saddle! If you are not so trained, you should start with flat tracks. Those who are already more trained can start right away into the hilly terrain.
Even people who are afraid of driving in city traffic can often reach the next park or forest after just a few stops by tram or underground. Suitable paths can be found everywhere. While cycling you can also enjoy the spring landscape.
Cycling is always healthy because it stimulates your metabolism and promotes fat burning. There are many good reasons to switch to cycling in spring. One particularly important one of them is that you do something good for the environment if the car stays in the garage more often.
If this seems too strenuous at first, choose the e-bike. This can often even replace the car, as less muscle power is required due to the pedal assistance, making the journey to work an easy one. Even challenging routes and inclines are easy to master thanks to the support of the electric motor. Only, no matter which bike you use: don’t forget your bike helmet!
And what will the weather be like in spring 2020?
The weather forecasts for this spring exceed all expectations. While temperatures are predicted to be almost above average throughout the continent, the most frequent and longest lasting heat episodes are from the Iberian Peninsula to Germany and the southern parts of the UK.
The frequent warmth is accompanied by abundant sunshine, allowing people to spend more time outdoors.
Well then, let’s go into spring and enjoy the blossoming nature in a sporty way!